Un-boxing the brand new Lowrance Elite 5 HDI
The Lowrance Elite 5 HDI was released on Friday September 20th 2013. I was able to get my order in right away! I have long awaited a Fish Finder that was a Dual DSI and Sonar with the capability of overlaying the two. This is what HDI means Hybrid Double Imaging. I am able to see the structure with the overlayed sonar echos of fish!. The chart plotting feature of this device is also a great addition as previously i had a device for sonar and a separate handheld GPS unit. The addon SD card slot also lets you have the options of using 3rd party Charts.
I opted for the Navionics as they have a good name and very detailed charts! I hope this was the right choice. Now to figure out where to mount the large transducer. It will not mount in the scupper like my current setup. I am thinking of using the RAM Mount flexible transducer arm kit until i figure out a permanent mount. As this is a DSI unit also it the transducer needs to be in the water. A shoot through hull approach with the transom transducer will not display a clear picture.
Also Purchased the RAM Mounts compatible mount for the head. I really like how it clips right in with no hardware! Easy to mount and remove the head when loading and unloading.
The install will follow soon!