Was working on a few upgrades and repairs to the Big Rig today. Had these deck fittings from Sea-Lect Designs. I was trying to figure out a great location on the Jackson Kayaks these would work best. Well it turns out with a longer 1/4-20 screw it is adaptable to the existing handle threaded inserts without modifying the handles. This is a great place to attach paddle leashes rod leashes and fish stringers. The double loop deck loops work out great in this location if leave your rods leashed at all times. I tend to do this especially fishing saltwater where there typically is larger waves more rocking and a current.
Things you will need:
Sea-Lect Designs Deck Fitting Double Loop PArt# K736560-1 (Pack of 6)
1/4″-20x 1″ oval Head SS Screw (1) per every desired Deck Loop install
Loc-Tite Thread Locker
Simply remove factory installed screw. Keep handle and washer at location. Using 1 Double Loop Deck Loop and 1 1/4″-20 x 1″ Screw thread screw through deck loop in center mounting hole. Dab a drop of Loc-Tite on threads. Tighten until tight. DO Not over tighten as it could cause the threaded insert to break its bond with the plastic of the hull and damage the kayak.
For the products listed in this article please visit http://www.sealectdesigns.com to locate a dealer near you.
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