Landed Species

My continuing list of species of fish landed while kayak fishing.


  1. Bluefish
  2. Black Fish (Tautog)
  3. Black Sea Bass
  4. Dogfish (Spiny)
  5. Fluke
  6. Cow Nose Ray
  7. Croaker
  8. North Atlantic Puffer (Blow Fish)
  9. Oyster Cracker (Toad Fish)
  10. Red Drum
  11. Sea Robin
  12. Scup (Porgy)
  13. Spot
  14. Striped Bass
  15. Weakfish
  16. Windowpain aka Sundial aka Spotted Founder



  1. Catfish (Brown)
  2. Crappie
  3. Large Mouth Bass
  4. Pickrel
  5. Northern Pike
  6. White Perch
  7. Rock Bass
  8. Small Mouth Bass
  9. Sunnie