Nothing lasts forever. The stock tank well bungee is falling apart. The sun and weather degrades the bungee over time. In turn the degrading of the bungee made it become very loose and fragile. Purchased a piece of green shock cord/bungee last year but finally got IMG_1091around to getting it on the Cuda 14 this weekend. Although the green I ordered came in as yellow I didn’t mind at all.  Actually it looks really cool!

IMG_1098I originally purchased 10′ of the bungee shock cord. Used about a foot and a half for my crate project last year.  What i had left was just enough to replace the tank well bungee. I would recommend that you purchase 10 feet for the Cuda. This way you can cut off any excess.  Being that it looks really cool on my next boat i will have to find 3/16″ bungee for the bow in yellow!.

I have to say it does add character.

I do hope it holds up well.




IMG_1379Cant say enough about Bob at! Kayak ID is a sign company which prints custom die cut boat names for your kayak. The decals are completely professional and will last a long time. The vinyl is UV resistant by 3M. The easy to use website lets you configure your custom boat name decal with 6 different fonts and colors. Personally I have had a great experience with owner Bob Boylan. Easy to follow instructions are included for seamless install. Please do check out the website.
