Looking for a way to keep your fishing reels out of the salt water when using a factory installed flush mount rod holder?


Image From RAMMounts.com

Well finally the solution is here! The Ram Mounts Wedge Adapter Ball adapts to flush mounted rod holders in all kayaks!

This new setup allows you to use any of RAM’s compatible rod holders to keep your expensive reels up and out of the harmful salt water. Personally I use the RAM 2008 tube rod holders on my Jackson Cuda!. The RAM 2008 rod holder has a leash point which allows you to clip your rod leash right to the rod holder!

The wedge will fit into flush mounts that are 1 1/2″ to 1 7/8″ inner diameter. It installs easily simply slide the wedge in the flush mount tube.  With a Philips head screwdriver adjust the screw inside the ball until the wedge snugs up.

Now you have a ball to mount your favorite RAM Mounts rod holder on. I prefer the 2008 tube rod holder as it keeps the rod & reel high out of the water while being fully adjustable to any angle for trolling. I will have to try the new RAM Mounts Rod tube style Rod Holder next!








For more information please see the Ram Mounts Website Here.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Ram Mounts AQUA BOX® Pro 20 is the latest solution to keeping your smart phone dry and at the same time usable. With the updated lens the touch screen works just as well as it does outside the Aqua Box! The Large box fits my Motorola Droid Bionic with minimal extra space. This phone is almost double the size of the Iphone. Also the soft side of the lens gives you access to all of the buttons on the sides of your phone. I used to leave my phone back at the car or shove it in a dry bag. Now with the RAM Mounts Aqua Box my phone is fully functional and available! While i am fishing i can now keep a better eye on the weather radar on those iffy T storm forecast days.  I can also take a quick photo with my phone and post it to Facebook or Instagram as the back of the box is clear and the camera takes crystal clear pictures through the case!

The Box also can be mounted by a 1″ RAM ball and socket system. Instead of leashing the phone & box it is mounted and not moving but can be adjusted out of the way or in full view. The mouthing setup is perfect for those on a low budget whom use the Navionics App on their phone as a marine GPS system. You also may pair the mounting setup with a T bolt ball and a Yak Attack Track system! This way you can slide it near or far.


All RAM Mount Products are made in the USA!!

For more information on this product see Ram Mounts Website

groupfluke (Medium)The fluke tournament had a great weather this year!  A big change compared to previous years. Along with a decent turn out of registered anglers. The fishing was ok on Friday but was much better Saturday. Firday I went fishing with Lunchbox & Yakman at Sandy Hook Horseshoe Cove. Managed a few croakers. Fishing just wasn’t good and the north wind was just brutal. Besides the wind it was a nice day!. Saturday had to stay close so fished with Lunchbox at the MRI. Yakman fished further up the river with no luck. Lunchbox and I had a lot of short fluke. I lost 2 one was in the 20″ range and a massive one that snapped my leader was easily in the 24″ area. It was an incredibly rough day fishing there due to immense boat traffic. I must say it was the first time my back was wet due to taking boat wakes over the side of the Cuda.

Back getting ready for the awards at the HQ at 2:00 weigh-ins were open. This year we actually had a tie with two entries at 26″ being legally entered. The third place fish came in at 24″.

First place Chris Baggott with a 26″ fluke Awarded a Jackson Kayak Coosa Kayak 100 dollars cash & a 50 dollar Jersey Paddler Gift card.

Second Place Judy Segar with a 26″ fluke (by time) Awarded a C-Tug Kayak cart and 100 dollars cash.

Third Prize Brian Pickard with a 24″ fluke Awarded a Scotty flag & light and 50 dollars cash.

The Calcutta was also won by Chris Baggott with 3 separate fluke not entered in the tournament totaling 61.75″


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