Purchased a pair of the Buff angler gloves in the spring. I must say I’m very impressed with the feel and comfort. I wear them all day long and sometimes forget im wearing them.
These gloves also serve other purposes than protecting only your hands from the sun. They work very well as paddling gloves and also can offer protection from stray hooks. Gripping fish is also easier they enable a good grip and the bones of the fishes fins are unable to stab into the palm of your hand.
I feel the price tag is reasonable for the pair of gloves at $40.00 since they last quite a while. After using these gloves every fishing trip since April I feel the gloves are completely worth purchasing. They are great for both paddling and fishing.
With the no fingertip design tying knots and stripping line doesn’t require removing the gloves every time. The suede on the palm is pretty durable and still grips when wet. Believe it or not the suede drys much quicker than I thought it would. Over time handling bait, fish, getting blood and other stuff on them and just being wet all of the time the gloves tend to get an odor. Thanks for the suggestions on how to clean the stink out! The most effective deodorizer so far has been vinegar and water. Soak for a good 12 hours. Then wash with soap and water. Let dry no more stink!
- UPF 50 + Sun Protection
- Aquatic Suede that functions well when dry or wet
- Comfortable due to its ergonomic design
- No fingertips makes typing knots stripping line and getting things easier
- Washable
- Breathable and Cool
- Eliminates Sunscreen on hands
- Quick Drying
- Protects hands from Sharp gill plates when handling fish.
- May protect hands from hook penetration accidents.
- Enables palming of leader and braided fishing line.
- They Get stinky
- 80% of the time they are wet.
Since I started fishing with these gloves there hasn’t been a fishing trip I have fished without them. The pair seems completely durable as they have been used over 16 separate times for an entire day of fishing each time. Sometimes I forget they are even on my hands! I do believe if I did not have these gloves to fish with something would be missing. Check out the different styles and options at http://www.buffusa.com/sports/collections/pro-series-angler-gloves/styles