The Lunchbox Paddle Park was invented in 2016 by Charlie “LunchBox” LaBar prostaffter of Eddie Line Kayaks and The Kayak Fishing Store. The original concept came from using gear tracks a T bolt and a Yakattack RotoGrip Paddle Holder
to offset the paddle holders from the track area. Stowing the paddle away has always been a challenge on many kayaks. Now with the new track mounting V grip style paddle holders the paddle will lay across the entire length of track. This unfortunately renders use of the track useless for mounting any additional accessories.
The LunchBox Paddle Park arms are fabricated from 1/2″ black starboard. The plastic is very rigid at this thickness but is soft to drill for adding paddle holders and other accessories. They are track mounted using a T Bolt and plastic knob. This allows them to be stowed easily for kayak transport. You can mount the YakAttack RotoGrip™ or any other V style paddle holders to the arms.
The Paddle Park can also double as a ParkNPole Holder! If you have ever tried to stow a YakAtack ParkNPole you know how awkward it can be. Simply add on the YakAttack ParkNPole Clip Kit with Anti-Pivot Mounting Base and Security Straps
to the center of the arms. No more shoving under bungees trying to get it out of the way of your paddle stroke. Neatly stowed at the gunnel and easily accessible.
The Paddle Park Use:
The Paddle Park first of all has the ability to be track mounted on the gunnels of a kayak. Most fishing model kayaks come standard with these tracks from the factory. The paddle parks are designed to position the paddle holders offset of the gear tracks. The paddle park allows for quick and easy access to your paddle while keeping it out of the way from the remainder of the tracks for mounting other accessories. The system is handy for stowing the paddle all day on peddle style boats or motorized kayaks where the paddle is not needed 90% of the time.
Most of all I really like the ease of stowing and accessing the paddle. A simple lift from the Rotogrips and your ready to paddle. Align the paddle in place, push down and the paddle is locked in and stowed.
The paddle park stows while traveling. You can simply rotate the Paddle Parks to align with the kayak. This way they are not protruding. The Paddle Parks are easily transferred to other kayaks with gear tracks installed on them.
Changing out Hardware:
Furthermore I decided to countersink 1/4-20 bolts into the starboard to give a flush mounting of the RotoGrips. The Paddle Park is not countersunk from the factory. You can swap out the Plastic Knobs with Screwballs. This also allows the mounting of additional RAM Mount accessories. These include camera mounts a fish finder mount etc.
Adding a YakAttack Park n pole mounting kit is a great option. In addition you can stow your parkNpole right next to your paddle for easy access.
The Paddle park can be used with other manufacturers paddle holders such as:
The Paddle Park is only available at The Kayak Fishing Store