Got my day started at 0500 for the third HOW outing of the year located at Bayshore Waterfront Park in Port Monmouth NJ. All loaded up i disembarked to the Tackle US tackle shop. Arrived there around 6:15 and they were closed. Odd for a tackle shop not to be open at 6:00. Ended up meeting the Coordinator at Atlantic Bait and Tackle. Picked up the ice and bait. Finally arrived at Port Monmouth around 7ish. Helped set up and pulled yaks off the roof. I set up my GoPro Cameras for 30 sec photo intervals and took a few panning videos for the HOW NJ video I have begun working on.
Finally around 10:00 we were out on the water. I guided Chris a Vet and fitness instructor. He wanted to just paddle around but we told him he had to fish. He paddled my demo Jackson Cuda. He enjoyed paddling it as its completely stable and comfortable. He ended catching a small fluke but i was unable to get to him in time when it spit the hook out. Too bad it would have been good to get a photo of him even though it was a small fish. I ended up with a few short fluke and 1 keeper at 18″. Around 1:00 he was tired of the sun beating on him and hot so I paddled back to the drop in with him. Once we were back he helped me get my spare boat back to my truck then proceeded to go for lunch. Burgers and dogs were good. I grabbed some chips and water for Capt. Jim and headed back out.
Some nice cleaner water had come in with the outgoing tide? Odd. Dropped off the Chips and water to Capt. Jim and started fishing. Landed a few shorts and a nice 22″ fluke! After the 22″er when there were no kayaks right near me i was then engulfed by at least 5 or six other yakkers. Still had plenty of space to fish so i didn’t mind. Landed 2 more short fish and decided to call it a day and go help the guys pack up.
The weather was incredibly nice and what a great day to take the vets fishing.