groupfluke (Medium)The fluke tournament had a great weather this year!  A big change compared to previous years. Along with a decent turn out of registered anglers. The fishing was ok on Friday but was much better Saturday. Firday I went fishing with Lunchbox & Yakman at Sandy Hook Horseshoe Cove. Managed a few croakers. Fishing just wasn’t good and the north wind was just brutal. Besides the wind it was a nice day!. Saturday had to stay close so fished with Lunchbox at the MRI. Yakman fished further up the river with no luck. Lunchbox and I had a lot of short fluke. I lost 2 one was in the 20″ range and a massive one that snapped my leader was easily in the 24″ area. It was an incredibly rough day fishing there due to immense boat traffic. I must say it was the first time my back was wet due to taking boat wakes over the side of the Cuda.

Back getting ready for the awards at the HQ at 2:00 weigh-ins were open. This year we actually had a tie with two entries at 26″ being legally entered. The third place fish came in at 24″.

First place Chris Baggott with a 26″ fluke Awarded a Jackson Kayak Coosa Kayak 100 dollars cash & a 50 dollar Jersey Paddler Gift card.

Second Place Judy Segar with a 26″ fluke (by time) Awarded a C-Tug Kayak cart and 100 dollars cash.

Third Prize Brian Pickard with a 24″ fluke Awarded a Scotty flag & light and 50 dollars cash.

The Calcutta was also won by Chris Baggott with 3 separate fluke not entered in the tournament totaling 61.75″


The tournament was a success once again this year with 27 registered kayak anglers participating. Congratulations to 1st place Chris Baggott of Shark River Hills 2nd Place Judy Segar from Allenhurst, and 3rd Place Brian Pickard of Hackensack!

See the awards presentation here!




Man did this one take up some time. Most people don’t realize how long it takes to actually edit and compile video. The hardest part for me generally is the scores. Trying to save some time i am not composing scores in house. Rather searching royalty free music for something that fits. Once the audio is selected being that i do not have any onsite audio it becomes repetitive. Anything over 6 minutes may trigger the viewer to go to the next video or search for something else to entertain them.

The next video i need to incorporate interviews and onsite audio. The shotgun mic passed the test at Sandy Hook so it will be used much more in the future.

So please sit back and enjoy the video/photo production of HOW New Jersey doing what it does best!!


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