919398_10153335140655188_1786838474_oOur last outing of the year went on without a hitch. The weather turned out to be like the last summer day of the year. It definitely reached the 80’s. This outing had the most veteran participation out of all.

The second outing at Picatinny Arsenal was a bit different due to the over all weed growth in the lake. It was a different style of fishing unlike in the spring. Hobies didn’t work well and I learned my new transducer mount really grabbed on the weeds. It was such heavy cover that my depth finder wouldn’t shoot through.

Looking forward to taking the vets kayak fishing here in the spring again!

Thanks again to Civic Duty Partners for providing lunch. The sausage sandwiches really hit the spot!


Jamaica Bay Kayak Fishing Classic

A few of the fish I caught on Saturday of the tournament.

Man did this one take up some time. Most people don’t realize how long it takes to actually edit and compile video. The hardest part for me generally is the scores. Trying to save some time i am not composing scores in house. Rather searching royalty free music for something that fits. Once the audio is selected being that i do not have any onsite audio it becomes repetitive. Anything over 6 minutes may trigger the viewer to go to the next video or search for something else to entertain them.

The next video i need to incorporate interviews and onsite audio. The shotgun mic passed the test at Sandy Hook so it will be used much more in the future.

So please sit back and enjoy the video/photo production of HOW New Jersey doing what it does best!!


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