Jackson Kayak Unveils the new Flex Drive @ Outdoor Retailer
Jackson Kayak has unveiled its brand new fishing pedal boat prototype which will add to the new line of kayaks unveiled at ICast 2016 last month. The new Coosa FD or “Flex Drive” integrates a propeller pedal driven propulsion system into the kayak. Like other competitors have in the past and present creating a more hands free approach to small platform human powered fishing. Jackson like wilderness has converted their paddling hull to accept the pedal drive thus maintaining the paddle ability of the kayak hull. This design allows the angler to pedal and still have the ability to paddle the kayak normally.
As always Jackson Kayak has gone all out with innovation designing the drive as a 2 piece system. The pedal upper portion which are removable for car topping and in the future will have an electric motor capabilities. The lower unit of the drive has the ability to trim up and down. This allows the angler ease of landing on beaches due to the ability to leave the drive in the kayak. No lifting heavy drives out of the hull. No worries of loosing your drive overboard. The ability to trim up and access the propeller from the cockpit of the kayak allows for removing weeds from the prop with ease. The design also allows for the lower unit to retract when it hits against an obstacle underwater to shield it from becoming damaged.
The FD also incorporates new design features to address common issues of pedal drive systems with more solutions such as articulating prop blades for speed control. A trim UP/DN lever locking design. A 12:1 Ratio on a Tri bladed propeller. The future option to attach an electric motor drive that will replace the pedal drive for the ride home!
Check out the Flex Drive Teaser Video!